09 May 2006



Ovo je jedan jako jednostavan desert koji se često jede u mojoj obitelji. Baka je uvijek radila ovaj desert sestri i meni kad smo bile djeca i to je razlog zbog čega mi je posebno drag.


1/2 litre mlijeka

4 kašike brašna

4 žumanjca

4 kašike šećera

4 bjelanjka

5 kašika šećera

keksi Petit Beurre

mrvice kakaa ili naribana čokolada (za posut po vrhu)


Žuta krema:

Zakuhajte do vrenja mlijeko. Dok se mlijeko kuha zamiješajte 4 kašike brašna, 4 žumanjka i četiri kašike šećera sa malo hladnog mlijeka. To dodajte u zakuhano mlijeko. Kuhajte dok se ne zgusne (miješajte cijelo vrijeme da se ne stvore grudvice).

Bijela krema:

Istucite 3 bjelanjka u čvrst snijeg. Dodajte 5 kašika šećera. Dobro promješajte.


Zsagrijte malo mlijeka. Obložite dno zdjele keksima i prelite ih mlijekom taman toliko da ga oni upiju. Na kekse dodajte sloj žute kreme pa novi sloj keksa, pa opet novi sloj mlijeka, pa opet žutu kremu. Zatim opet kekse i mlijeko te naposlijetku izlijte bijelu kremu na vrh. Ukrasite mrvicama kakaa ili naribanom čokoladom. Stavite u hladionik i poslužite hladno.



This is a very simple dessert eaten in my family very often. My grandmother used to make it for me and my sister in our childhood. It brings back nice memories, that is why I like it so much.


1/2 litre of milk

4 tablespoons of flour

4 egg yolks

4 tablespoons of sugar

3 egg whites

5 tablespoons of sugar

Petit Buerre cookies

Cocoa beans or grated chocolate (to sprinkle it over)


Yellow cream:

Boil half a litre of milk. While the milk is cooking make a mixture of 4 tablespoons of flour, 4 egg yolks and 4 tablespoons of sugar and some cold milk. Put this mixture into the boiling milk. Cook it until it thickens (do not forget to stir it all the time to avoid creating lumps).

White cream:

Whisk 3 egg whites till stiff. Add 5 tablespoons of sugar. Mix it thoroughly.

Finishing phase:

Warm some milk. Place some cookies on the bottom of the bowl and pour just enough milk over them so that they absorb it. Then pour a layer of yellow cream over the cookies. Put a new layer of cookies over it. Add a new layer of milk. Add a new layer of yellow cream, a new layer of cookies and a new layer of milk. Pour the white cream over the cookies. Decorate it with cocoa beans or grated chocolate. Put it in the refrigerator and serve cold.


Zorana Lerotić

Spring 2006


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