27 June 2006



Ovo je, ili je barem bio, tradicionalni kolač u Hrvatskom zagorju. Lako se priprema, hranjiv je i poprilično ukusan. Obično se pripremao kada se trebalo napraviti mnogo posla u polju i nahraniti mnogo težaka. U tim prigodama glavno jelo je bila neka vrsta gulaša ili variva. Kuruzni kolač, jabučna štrudla i štrudla od sira bili su dodatak tom glavnom jelu.

Kuruzni kolač je postao vrlo ''popularan'' nakon drugog svjetskog rata kad je vladala opća nestašica u zalihama hrane.


5 jaja

l mlijeka

0.5 kg kukuruznog brašna

1 žličica soli

10 dag šećera

Jaja i šećer stavi u zdjelu i miksaj dok se šećer potpuno ne rastopi. Tada dodaj mlijeko i miksaj na nižoj brzini 1 – 2 minute. Polako dodaj brašno i sol. Miksaj dok masa ne postane glatka. Izlij u dobro namaštenu i pobrašnjenu tepsiju. Peci dok kolač ne postane zlatno-smeđ. Kada se kolač ohladi, možeš ga premazati medom.


This is, or at least used to be, a traditional cake in Hrvatsko zagorje. It is easy to prepare, nutritious and quite tasty. Usually, it was prepared when there was a lot of field work to do and a lot of field laborers to feed. On those occasions, the main dish used to be some kind of goulash or stew. Corn cake, apple strudel and cheese strudel were an addition to this main dish.

Corn cake became very ''popular'' after the Second World War when there was a general shortage in food supplies.


5 eggs

1l milk

0.5 kg corn flour

1 teaspoon of salt

10 dag sugar

Put eggs and sugar into a bowl and mix until sugar melts completely. Then add milk and mix at a lower speed for about 1 – 2 minutes. Then slowly add flour and salt. Mix until the mass is smooth. Then pour it into a well-oiled and floured baking pan. Bake it until the cake gets golden-brown. When the cake cools, you can spread some honey over it.

Valentina Rogina

Spring 2005/06



7 šalica brašna
1/2 šalice šećera
3 jaja
7 velikih žlica ulja
1 šalica mlijeka
1/2 male žlice soli
1 kvasac

1/2 kg mljevenih oraha
1 šalica šećera
1/2 šalice mlijeka
2 istučena bjelanjka

Rastopite kvasac u 1/2 šalice toplog mlijeka.Pomiješajte 1 jaje, 2 žumanca,
brašno, šećer, mlijeko, sol, ulje. Dodajte smjesu s kvascem. Mijesite
tijesto dok ne bude rastezljivo i glatko. Pokrijte krpom i pustite da se
diže dok se ne udvostruči. Oblikujte tijesto i podijelite ga na pola.
Razvucite tijesto, premažite ga nadjevom od oraha i zavaljajte. Stavite ga u
nauljeni lim, premažite rastopljenim maslacem.Pecite na 150 stupnjeva 50


Orehnjača is a cake traditionally made in my family for Christmas. It is a
very aromatic and tasty cake.
7 cups flour
1/2 cup sugar
3 eggs
7 tablespoons oil
1 cup milk
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 oz cake yeast

1/2 kg walnuts finely ground
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup milk
2 eggs whites beaten

Dissolve yeast in 1/2 cup lukewarm milk. Combine 1 egg, 2 egg yolks, flour,
sugar, milk, salt, oil in mixing bowl.Add yeast mixture.
Knead dough until it is elastic and smooth. Cover with a towel and let rise
until double in bulk. Shape dough into a ball and divide it into a half.
Stretch dough, spread the nut filling and roll. Place in a greased pan.
Brush with melted butter. Bake at 150 C for 50 minutes.

Marija Buljac

Autumn 2005/06



Burek ili Börek je jelo koje potječe iz Turke kuhinje, ali je vrlo popularno u mnogim Balkanskim zemljama (posebno u Makedoniji, Hrvatskoj, Srbiji i Crnoj Gori i Bosni i Hercegovini), i vjerojatno se proširilo tijekom Otomanskog Carstva. Ovo jelo je također vrlo popularno i u Izraelu pod nazivom „burekas“ ili „Turski burekas“.

Burek je tradicionalno jelo u zemlji iz koje dolazim – Bosni i Hercegovini. Izabrala sam ga jer ovdje u Hrvatskoj ljudi zovu burek svaku vrstu pite, npr. burek sa sirom, burek s mesom, itd., dok se u BiH burek odnosi samo na varijantu s mesom, dok se pita sa sirom zove sirnica, ona sa sirom i špinatom zeljanica, s krumpirom krumpiruša.

Priprema bureka nije jednostavna jer zahtijeva određeno vrijeme da bi se tijesto pravilno pripremilo, te iziskuje određenu vještinu i iskustvo. Dok sam bila mala često sam gledala baku kako pravi burek, međutim ja ga nisam nikad naučila praviti.

Sastojci za tijesto:

500g glatkog tijesta

25g maslaca

prstohvat soli

topla voda

Sastojci za nadjev:

500g mljevene teletine

250g mljevene govedine

4 luka

25g maslaca

2 žumanjca




Umijesite brašno, istopljeni maslac, sol i toplu vodu za tijesto. Dodajte onoliko vode koliko je potrebno da smjesa postane kompaktna. Tijesto izrežite na četiri jednaka dijela. Za pripremu nadjeva izmiješajte meso, maslac, nasjeckani luk, žumanjce, sol i papar. Prije nego što razvaljate tijesto, pokrijte površinu stola platnom ili nekim drugim materijalom i pospite ga brašnom. Tada razvaljajte tijesto dok ne postane vrlo tanko pazeći da ga ne „poderete“. Tijesto tanko premažite maslacem. Nadjev postavite na jedan rub tijesta i zatim tijesto lagano rolajte dok ne dobije oblik kobasice. U ovalnu posudu stavite dobivenu „kobasicu“ tako da je motate ukrug počevši od središta posude. Prije nego što je burek potpuno pečen premažite ga mašću ili maslacem rastopljenim u toploj vodi.


Burek or Börek is a dish originating in Turkish cuisine, but very popular in many countries in the Balkan region (especially in Macedonia, Croatia, Serbia and Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina), probably spread during the Ottoman Empire. In Israel this food is also fairly popular under the name "burekas" or "Turkish burekas".

Burek is traditional dish in a country I come from – Bosnia and Herzegovina. I choose it because here in Croatia people call burek every kind of pie, for eg. cheese burek, meat burek and so on, but in Bosnia and Herzegovina the word burek refers only to the meat variant, while the one with cottage cheese being called sirnica, one with spinach and cheese zeljanica, one with potatoes krompiruša, and all of them are referred as pita (trans. pie). Its preparation is not very simple because it takes a while to prepare pastry right and it takes some experience and skill. When I was little, I often watched my grandmother making burek, but I myself have never learnt to prepare one.

Ingredients for pastry:

500g of plain flour

25g of butter


Warm water

Ingredients for filling:

500g of minced veal

250g of minced beef

Four onions

25g of butter

Two egg yolks




Mix flour, melted butter, salt and warm water to prepare the pastry. Add water until you get a nice firm dough. Cut the pastry in four equal pieces. To prepare the filling mix the meat, melted butter, chopped onions, egg yolks, salt and pepper. Cover the pastry thinly with melted butter. You need to stretch the dough on a table. Make sure you got the table covered with a big cloth or other fabric and place heaps of flour on it. Then place the dough on the table and carefully stretch it until it gets very thin and be careful not to rip the dough.

Put the filling at the edge of one side of the pastry and roll it up to create sausage roll-like pastry. Take the round dish and create the spiral with the pastry starting from the middle of the dish. Before completely baked, pour either the double cream or butter melted in warm water.

Zana Šaškin

Spring 2005/06




Mix flour, melted butter, salt and warm water to prepare the pastry. Add water until you get a nice firm dough. Cut the pastry in four equal pieces. To prepare the filling mix the meat, melted butter, chopped onions, egg yolks, salt and pepper. Cover the pastry thinly with melted butter. You need to stretch the dough on a table. Make sure you got the table covered with a big cloth or other fabric and place heaps of flour on it. Then place the dough on the table and carefully stretch it until it gets very thin and be careful not to rip the dough.

Put the filling at the edge of one side of the pastry and roll it up to create sausage roll-like pastry. Take the round dish and create the spiral with the pastry starting from the middle of the dish. Before completely baked, pour either the double cream or butter melted in warm water.

Zana Šaškin

Spring 2005/06


Kolač sa višnjama

2 jaja

1 čaša od jogurta šećera

1 čaša od jogurta ulja

½ čaše od jogurta brašna

1 jogurt

1 prašak za pecivo

Sve gore navedene sastojke izmiksati i peći 10 minuta. Staviti u protvan i zatim na to posložiti višnje iz dva kompota i peći 25 do 30 minuta. Tri vrećice pudinga od vanilije kuhati u 12 dcl mlijeka. Na vruće višnje staviti puding od vanilije.

Kad se kolač ohladi preliti ga sa 2 preljeva za tortu kuhana u soku od kompota.

Kolač je najbolje jesti ohlađen i servirati ga nakon lakšeg ručka ili večeri budući da je zasitan.

Cherry Cake

2 eggs

1 yoghurt cup-size of sugar

1 yoghurt cup-size of oil

½ yoghurt cup-size of flour

1 cup of yoghurt

1 baking powder

Mix and bake for 10 minutes all of the above mentioned ingredients. Place the mixture in a baking pan and then place two portions of canned cherries on top of this and bake them for 25 to 30 minutes. Take 3 vanilla puddings and cook them in 12 dl of milk. Pour the vanilla pudding over the hot cherries.

When the cake cools off pour 2 cake dressings cooked in the canned fruit juice over it.

The cake is best when cool and served after a light lunch or dinner because it is likely to fed one up.

Zrinka Mlinarević

Autumn 2005/06

08 June 2006



Hobotnica nikad nije bila moje najdraže jelo kao djetetu, posebice zato jer se kuhala u vinu. No, odrastajući i gledajući majku kako ulaže toliki trud, naučila sam cijeniti više njezinu zahtjevnu kuhinju. Navikla sam se na miris i okus vina te tako zavoljela i hobotnicu na brodet. Čini mi se da je nijedno dijete naročito ne voli, ali odrasli svakako uživaju u njoj uz čašu dobrog vina nakon jela!


1 kg hobotnice

2 dl maslinovog ulja

2 glavice luka

1 žlica koncentrata od rajčice




lovorov list


½ litre crnog vina

Hobotnicu narežite na veće komade. Na ulju blago ispržite luk i dodajte hobotnicu. Neka se pirja u vlastitom soku. Dodajte koncentrat rajčice, češnjak, papar, lovor i ružmarin. Tijekom pirjanja dolijevajte vino. Kada je hobotnica dovoljno mekana, dodajte peršin. Poslužite uz hladnu palentu.


Octopus was never my favourite meal as a child, especially because it was cooked in wine. But as I grew older, seeing my mother putting all that effort into it, I learned to appreciate more her demanding cuisine. I got used to the smell and the taste of wine and thus grew fond of octopus al brodetto. It seems to me that no child likes it all that much but grown-ups sure enjoy it with a glass of good wine after the meal!


1 kg of octopus

1 dl of olive oil


1 table spoon of tomato concentrate




bay leaf


½ l of red wine

Cut the octopus into larger pieces. Fry the onion in olive oil and then add the octopus. Let it stew in its own juice. Add tomato concentrate, garlic, pepper, bay leaf and rosemary. Throughout the stewing add wine. When the octopus is soft enough, add parsley. Serve with cold maize porridge.

Maja Klarić

Spring 2005/06

06 June 2006


Gibanica sa sirom

Gibanica sa sirom jedna je od mnogih varijanti gibanice, koja je opet jedna od mnogih varijanti nadjevenih jela od tijesta koja se mogu naći na prostorima središnje, južne i istočne Europe te bivšeg Otomanskog carstva. Najpoznatije od tih inačica jesu burek nadjeven mesom ili sirom (ili oboje), vrlo popularan u Turskoj i na Balkanu, i štrudla od jabuka, popularna u središnjoj Europi.

Sama gibanica razlikuje se od zemlje do zemlje, a u Hrvatskoj je najpoznatija „međimurska“ gibanica. Nadjeva se raznim vrstama suhog voća (grožđicama, jabukama) i sirom. Vrlo je kalorična i može se kupiti u nekim pekarnicama.


½ svježeg kravljeg sira

2 dcl vrhnja

2 jajeta

6 debelih kora

Nekoliko žlica ulja


U dubokoj posudi izmješaj sir, vrhnje i jaja. Dodaj 2 prstohvata soli. Dodaj 1/2 dcl mineralne vode. Dobro izmješaj. Jednu koru položi na dno tepsije a drugu stavi na stranu. Prepolovi ostale kore, složi ih u grude i zatim jednu po jednu umači u smjesu dok je ne nestane. Natopljene grude ravnomjerno složi u tepsiju i pokrij preostalom korom, koju dobro naulji. Peci 20 minuta na 200 Celzijusovih stupnjeva. Dobar tek!

Cheese Gibanica

The cheese Gibanica (lit., “the little mover”) is one of the many varieties of “gibanica”, which is in turn one of the many varieties of filled pastry meals to be found throughout Central, Eastern and Southern Europe and on the territory of the former Ottoman Empire. The most well-known of these varieties are Burek, filled with cheese or meat (or both), vastly popular in Turkey and on the Balkans, and apple Strudel, popular in Central Europe. Gibanica itself varies according to the country in which it is made; Croatia’s most famous variety is “međimurska” (a region in the northern part of Croatia) gibanica. It is filled with various sorts of dried fruit (raisins, apples) and cheese. It contains a lot of calories and can be bought at some pastry shops.


½ of wheel of fresh cow cheese

1 cup of sour cream

2 eggs

½ a dozen of thick pastry layers

A few teaspoons of oil


Mix and stir the cheese, cream and eggs in a deep bowl. Add two pinches of salt. Add 1/5 cup of mineral water. Stir the mixture well. Lay one layer on the bottom of the baker and set another one aside. Tear the other layers in half and make them into balls, then soak them in the mixture until there is none left. Arrange the soaked balls evenly in the baker and cover them with the remaining layer, which should first be soaked in oil. Bake it in the oven at 20 degrees Celsius for 20 minutes. Bon appetite!

Lovro Škopljanac

Spring 20005/06


Wie kam der Kaiserschmarrn zu seinem Namen? (nach einer Überlieferung)
Der österreichische Kaiser Franz Joseph war bei einer Jagd vom Weg abgekommen. Gegen Abend erreichte er ein Bauernhaus, wo er Unterschlupf fand. Natürlich konnte er über Nacht bleiben, doch die Bauersleute waren arme Leute und so musste die Bäuerin das nehmen, was sie im Haus hatte, um ein Nachtmahl zu bereiten. Als der Kaiser das Essen dann lobte, meinte sie: "Ach, das ist ja nur ein Schmarrn." Worauf Franz Joseph entgegnete: "Ja, aber ein richtiger Kaiserschmarrn."

Zutaten für 4 Personen:
6 Eier
200 g Mehl
50 g Zucker
250 ml Milch
Prise Salz
20 g Rosinen
Zwetschken- oder Apfelkompott

Eigelb vom Eiklar trennen.Füge die Milch mit dem getrennten Eigelb, Zucker und Salzin eine Rührschüssel und schlage es kräftig mit dem Schneebesen.Streue – unter ständigem Rühren – das Mehl ein.Schlage das Eiklar zu steifem Schnee und hebe ihn vorsichtigunter die Masse.Rosinen (wenn erwünscht) leicht einrühren. Butter in der Pfanne schmelzen und die Masse dazugeben.Bei mittlerer Hitze auf der Unterseite fest werden lassen.Mit einem Kochlöffel oder einem Pfannenwender teilen und wenden,mit zwei Gabeln die Masse zerreißen.Nun den Schmarrn immer wieder vorsichtig wenden (nicht quetschen!)bis er fertig ist.Mit Staubzucker bestreut servieren. Dazu am besten ein Kompott oder Fruchtsaft servieren.Traditionell wird zum Kaiserschmarrn ein Zwetschkenröster gereicht.

(Šmarn, Bečke mrvice)
Kako je Kaiserschmarrn dobio ime? (prema predaji)
Jednom kad je austrijski car Franjo Josip bio u lovu, izgubio se na putu. Umoran i gladan navečer je došao do jedne seoske kuće. Naravno, tamo je mogao prenoćiti, ali seljaci su bili siromašni ljudi tako da je seljanka trebala upotrijebiti sve što je imala u kući da mu napravi večeru. Kad je car pohvalio večeru, seljanka je rekla: "Pa to je bio samo Schmarrn ('glupost', 'ništa')." A Franjo Josip je na to odgovorio: "Dobro, ali bio je to pravi carski Schmarrn."

6 jaja
200 g brašna
50 g šećera
250 ml mlijeka
20 g grožđica
šećer u prahu
kompot od šljiva ili jabuka

Odijelite bjelanjak od žumanjka.
Izmiješajte žumanjke, mlijeko, šećer i sol.
Dodajte brašno.
Istucite snijeg pa ga lagano umiješajte u smjesu.
Rastopite maslac u tavi pa dodajte tijesto.
Pecite tijesto dok ne postane čvrsto na donjoj strani, okrenite ga pa ga razdijelite vilicom.
Okrenite još par puta dok nije gotovo.
Pospite šećerom.
Gotovi šmarn servirajte s kompotom od šljiva ili jabuka.


(sweet cut-up pancake with raisins; Emperors' Pancake)
How did Kaiserschmarrn get its name? (according to tradition)
Once upon a time Franz Joseph, the Emperor of Austria, lost his way while hunting. Tired and hungry, he reached a farmhouse in the evening. Of course he could stay over night, but the farmers were poor people, and the farmer's wife had to use whatever there was in the house to prepare a meal. When the emperor praised her cooking, she answered,
"But that was just Schmarrn ('trash', 'rubbish')."
And Franz Joseph replied, "Well, then it was Schmarrn fit for an emperor."

Ingredients for 4 people:
6 eggs
200 grams of flour
50 grams of sugar
250 milliliters of milk
a pinch of salt
20 grams of raisins
powdered sugar
plum or apple preserves

Separate the yolks from the egg whites.
Mix the yolks, milk, sugar and salt, and beat it thoroughly with a whisk.
Add flour while stirring.
Beat the egg whites until stiff.
Fold the egg whites into the batter, add raisins.

Melt some butter in a pan and add the batter.
Let it cook until one side is golden brown, then turn it over and separate into pieces with a fork.
Turn the dough over and over again, until ready.

Serve sprinkled with powdered sugar, together with apple or plum preserves.

Sarah Geißbauer
Spring 2005/06


Dalmatinska pašticada

Pašticada je tradicionalno dalmatinsko jelo koje se obično služi u svečanim prilikama kao što je vjenčanje ili primanje većeg broja gostiju. Ta tradicija vjerojatno počiva na činjenici da se u Dalmaciji svakodnevno jede riba a meso se mora posebno kupiti, pa se meso smatra većom poslasticom od ribe u svečanim prilikama. Pašticada ima posebno mjesto u Dalmatinskoj kuhinji jer je njen umak bogat svim začinima pa i t bogatstvo umaka želi privući pažnju na obilje.


750-1000g junjeće ruže

malo klinčića

4 režnja češnjaka

dimljena slanina

1 glavica crvenog luka


100g svinjske masti

komad celerova korijena

peršinovo lišće



naribani muškatni oraščić

1 čaša prošeka ili crvenog vina

1 čajna žličica pirea od rajčice

100g mrkve

Dan prije napacajte junjeću ružu u razrijeđenoj kvasini u koju ste stavili nekoliko listova lovora, sol i zrnce papra. Izvadite meso iz paca te nabodite listovima slanine i klinčićima. U velikoj posudi na masti popržite sitno sjeckani celer, mrkvu, peršin i režnjeve češnjaka. Dodajte meso i prijajte sa svih strana dok ne zadobije plemenitu zlatnosmeđu boju.. Polijte sa malo kvasine, čašom crnog vina, dodajte malo muškatnog oraščića i žlicu pirea od rajčice, te nastavite pirjati podlijevajući vodom i vinom oko 1 sat. Tada izvadite meso i razrežite ga na ploške. Sok od pirjanja propasirajte da dobijete glatki umak u koji položite ploške mesa i pirjajte pašticadu da se sve prožme. U makarskom primorju pašticada se poslužuje sa domaćim njokima ili makaronima.

Pastizzada Dalmatian style

Pastizzada is a traditional Dalmatian meal, a beef stew which is served on solemn or festive occasions like a wedding or receiving a larger number of guests. This tradition of serving a beef stew is probably due to the fact that fish belongs to everyday occasions in Dalmatia and beef must be bought and provided for separately and is not connected with an everyday menu so it is concerned to be a great delicacy. Pastizzada has a special place on the Dalmatian table because of its rich gravy sauce which has all the ingredients of Dalmatian cuisine thus attracting attention to abundance.

750-1000g of (yearling) beef (cut)

Some cloves

Several bay leaves

4 cloves of garlic

Smoked bacon

1 onion

Some vinegar

100g lard

A piece of celery

Parsley leaves



Grated mace

Half a glass of red wine or Prosecco

1 tea-spoonful of tomato puree

100g of carrots.

The day before cooking soak the yearling beef in diluted vinegar into which you have thrown a few bay leaves, salt and grains of pepper. Take the meat out from this marinade and spike it with slices of bacon and cloves. In a big vessel, pan-fry the celery, carrots, parsley and 4 cloves of garlic. Add the meat and roast/fry it from all sides until it acquires a noble golden brown colour. Add a little vinegar, and a glass of red wine, also adding a bit of mace and the teaspoonful of tinned tomato puree. Continue stewing for about one hour, pouring water and wine into the mixture from time to time. Next, take out the meat, cutting it into slices. Sieve the mixture of vegetables and gravy in order to obtain smooth sauce into which meat slices should be laid down. Then stew the pastizzada again for some 10 minutes so that all the ingredients bind and soak into the meat. In Makarska pastizzada is served with home made gnocchi or macaroni.

Anamarija Karin

Spring 2005/06

30 May 2006


Zlevka je vrsta kolača. Dolazi iz ruralnih područja sjeverozapadne Hrvatske. Prvi put sam kušala taj kolač kada sam imala 11 godina. Imao je drugačiji okus od svih ostalih kolača koje sam do tada probala. Kolač izgleda sasvim obično, ali jako fino miriši. Mene je fascinirala priča o tom kolaču. Prvi put sam ga jela kod tete, ali je tom prilikom ondje bila cijela mamina obitelj. Počeli su pričati o svojem djetinjstvu, a između ostalog i o hrani. U majčinoj obitelji bilo je šestero djece, a baka ih je morala sama odgajati, jer je djed rano umro. Nisu imali mnogo novca, ali su obrađivali zemlju, imali su krave koje su davale mlijeko, kokoši za jaja i meso, te svinje za meso. U to vrijeme ljudi su morali iskoristiti sve što su imali kod kuće i stvari se nisu bacale kao danas, npr. hrana. Meso se jelo jednom ili dvaput tjedno, a kolači s kremom ili orasima pekli su se samo za blagdane ili posebne prigode. Moja baka je bila, i još uvijek je vrlo vješta u kuhinji, od ničega zna napraviti svašta. Zlevku je pripremala djeci za doručak kako bi pojeli nešto toplo i konkretno, te kako bi bili siti do ručka. Sastojci kolača nisu ništa posebno, to su stvari koje su se mogu naći u bilo kojem kućanstvu i koje nisu bile preskupe.

0,5 l mlijeka
0,1 l ulja
1 jaje
4 velike žlice šećera
malo soli
0,2 kg svježeg kravljeg sira
4 velike žlice kukuruznog brašna
komadić margarina
kiselo vrhnje

Pomiješajte 3 velike žlice kukuruznog brašna, mlijeko, ulje, jaje, sol i svježi kravlji sir. Uzmite komadić margarina, namažite njime tepsiju i pospite je jednom žlicom kukuruznog brašna. Nakon toga ulijte smjesu u tepsiju. Smjesu prelijte kiselim vrhnjem i stavite tepsiju u pećnicu. Pecite kolač 30min na temperaturi od 170°.

Zlevka is a sort of a cake. It originates from rural areas in northwestern Croatia. I tried this cake for the first time when I was eleven. It tasted rather differently than other cakes I had tried. It looks rather plain, but smells really nice. I was fascinated by the story about the cake. I ate it at my aunt’s place, but the whole family from my mother’s side was there. They started talking about their childhood and among other things about the food. There were six children all together in my mother’s family and my grandmother had to raise them on her own, because my grandfather died very young. They did not have much money, but they had land, which they cultivated, cows for milk, chickens for eggs and meat and pigs also for meat. In those days people had to use everything they had and did not throw so many things away as they do know, including food. They ate meat once or maybe twice a week and cakes with cream or walnuts were made only on Sundays or on special occasions. My grandmother was, and still is, very good at cooking, so she knew to make something out of nothing. She used to make zlevka for breakfast so that the children had something warm and solid to eat, which could keep them full until lunch. The ingredients of this cake are not something special, they are things that could be found in households and were not too expensive.

0.5 l milk
0.1 l oil
1 egg
4 tablespoons of sugar
a pinch of salt
0.2 kg cow’s milk cheese
4 tablespoons of corn flour
a piece of margarine
sour cream

Mix together 3 tablespoons of corn flour, milk, oil, 1 egg, salt and cow’s milk cheese. Take a piece of margarine, smear it on a baking tin and strew one tablespoon of corn flour over it. Then pour the mixture into the tin. Pour the sour cream over it and put it in the oven. Bake it for 30min at 170°.

Tea Kelvišer
Spring 2005/06

22 May 2006



Odlučila sam se za ovaj recept jer je to moje omiljeno jelo. Uz to je jako ukusno kao prilog, ali može se jesti i samo. kao prilog, najbolje ga je jesti uz meso. Ne može se reći da je tipičan za neki određeni dio Hrvatske,ali svugdje se rado jede.


-4 tikvice srednje veličine

-sol i mljeveni papar

-2 jaja

-4 jušne žlice brašna

-usitnjeni peršin

-suncokretovo ulje, za lagano prženje

-poslužuje se sa ribanim sirom i salatom


Najprije trebamo oguliti i naribati tikvice.Zatim ih stavimo u cijedilo, malo posolimo i ostavimo ih tako 30-ak minuta do sat vremena. Nakon otprilike30-ak minuta, ocijedimo ih i odstranimo višak tekućine.

Nakon što smo ih izvadili iz vode, stavimo tikvice, jaja, brašno, peršin, sol i mljeveni papar u srednje veliku zdjelu i sve dobro promiješamo. Nakon toga stavimo tu smjesu žlicu po žlicu na vruće ulje i poravnamo svaku sa žlicom. Treba ih peći 4-5 minuta dok ne postanu zlatno-smeđe. Zatim svaku stavimo na papirnati kuhinjski papir da upije višak ulja i masnoća. Nakon toga ih stavimo na tanjur i poslužimo sa salatom i posipamo sa ribanim sirom.

Ovo jelo može biti posluženo kao predjelo ili kao prilog uz pečeno meso.


The reason why I have chosen this dish is because it is one of my favorite ones. It can be served as a starter or even as a main dish like I prefer to have it. You can't really say that it is typical for any certain part of Croatia, but people like it all around the country.


-4 courgettes, medium size

-salt and ground black pepper

-2 eggs

-4 tablespoonful (tbsp) of flour

- chopped parsley

-sunflower oil, for shallow frying

-we serve it with grated cheese and salad


First we need to peel and grate the courgettes. After that put them in a colander, we sprinkle it with salt and leave it for 30 minutes to 1 hour. After an 30 minutes or so, we drain and remove excess moisture by squeezing them with hands.

After we have taken them out of the water, we put the courgettes, eggs, flour, parsley, salt and ground black pepper in a medium bowl and we mix them well.The next step is to place spoonfuls of mixture into hot shallow oil and flatten each one with a spoon. Then we cook it for 4-5 minutes until it becomes golden brown on both sides. After that, we put each cooked slice on the kitchen paper to absorb the excess oil. Then we place it on a serving dish with salad and sprinkle with grated cheese.

This dish can be served as a starter or as an accompaniment to roast meat.

Eva Velički

Spring 2005/06


Rižoto od divljih šparuga

(za 2 osobe)

U mojoj obitelji šparuge se često jedu tokom njihove sezone (dakle,tokom travnja i svibnja). Moj tata ih obično ubere puno tako da smo isprobali mnoštvo različitih recepata sa šparugama, a meni nedvojbeno najbolji je rižoto od divljih šparuga.


0,5 dcl maslinovog ulja




40 dkg šparuga

15 dkg riže

Naribani sir


Uzmite posudu i nju ulijte vode i dodajte malo soli. Kad se voda zakuha dodajte 15dkg riže. Češnjak i peršin sitno isjeckajte,a potom očistite šparuge tako da odlomite gorki dio koji je najčešće donji dio stabiljke.

Zatim ulijete malo maslinovog ulja (oko o,5 dcl) u veliku tavu i zatim dodajte češnjak i peršin. Zagrijte tavu na najjačoj vatri i dobro miješajte oko minutu. Potom dodajte šparuge.

Sve to skupa miješajte 5-7 min sve dok šparuge ne postanu mekane. Tada riža je vjerovatno gotova tako da ju dodajte u tavu zajedno sa šparugama, peršinom i češnjakom. Nastavite miješati još minutu ili dvije.

Na kraju pospite sve sa naribanim sirom i možete poslužiti.

Wild Asparagus Risotto

(for two people)

In my family asparagus are eaten quite often during their season (April-May). My father usually picks them in abundance, so we have tried many different recipes and my favourite is definitely asparagus risotto.


0.5 dcl olive oil




40 dkg asparagus

15 dkg rice

Grated cheese


Take a pan and pour into it some water and a teaspoon of salt. Wait till the water boils and then add into it 15 dkg of rice. The garlic and parsley chop finely. Clean the asparagus by cutting off the bitter part, which is usually the lower half of the stalk.

Then pour some olive oil (about 0.5 dcl) into a larger saucepan and add into it garlic and parsley and sauté' over high heat and mix it very fast for about a minute. Then add the asparagus. Mix well for 5-7 minutes until the asparagus becomes soft. The rice will probably be ready by this time, so put it in the frying pan with the asparagus, parsley and garlic. Mix it all for about a minute or two. Sprinkle over it some grated cheese and now it is ready to be served.

Marina Kevrić

Spring 2005/05

18 May 2006



Kako dolazim iz primorskoga grada u Istri, iz Pule, naviknuta sam na Mediteransku kuhinju, i najviše volim laganu hranu. Riba, maslinovo ulje, povrće – to su moji favoriti. Odabrala sam ovaj recept zato što je to jelo koje moj otac najbolje priprema, a ja obožavam njegovu kuhinju. Piletina s povrćem je moje omiljeno jelo, i iako sam pokušala mnogo puta, ne mogu ga pripremiti tako dobro kao moj otac. Naime, ja sam stručnjak za pripremanje ribe. I tako, kada god ulovim malo vremena za svoju obitelj, požurujem tatu u kuhinju i on odmah zna da želim njegov specijalitet za ručak.

Vrijeme pripreme i kuhanja: približno 2 sata

Za: 4 osobe


1 cijela koka za pečenje

3 režnja češnjaka, oguljena

½ šalice nasjeckane rajčice

½ šalice kuhane mrkve, narezane na polovice

½ šalice kuhane brokule

2 kuhane glavice luka, oguljene i narezane na četvrtine

½ kg kuhanog krumpira, oguljenog i narezanog na polovice


Prethodno zagrijati pećnicu na 220 °C. Staviti pile na dno velike emajlirane vatrostalne posude s poklopcem. Nadjenuti pile rajčicom i češnjakom. Preostalo povrće posložiti oko pileta. Začiniti Vegetom, solju i paprom. Pokriti posudu i staviti u pećnicu. Peći 1 sat. Izvaditi pile iz pećnice, ukloniti povrće iz posude. Staviti sa strane i pokriti da ostane toplo. Preliti pile sokovima i peći dodatnih 15 minuta, u nepokrivenoj posudi ili dok pile ne dobije boju. Izvaditi iz pećnice. Pustiti pile da odstoji 5 minuta prije rezanja. Servirati s povrćem.


Since I come from a seaside town in Istria, Pula, I am much accustomed to the Mediterranean cooking, and prefer light food. Fish, olive oil, vegetables – these are my favourites.

I have chosen this recipe because it is what my father prepares best, and I adore his cuisine. Chicken with vegetables is my favourite food dish, and although I have tried many times, I cannot prepare it as good as my father. Namely, I am an expert for preparing fish. So, whenever I catch a little time to spend with my family, I urge my father into the kitcken, and he instantly knows that I would like his specialty to be served for lunch.

Preparation and cooking time: approximately 2 hours

Serves: 4 people


1 roasting chicken, whole

3 cloves of garlic, peeled

½ cup of chopped tomatoes

½ cup of cooked carrots, cut in half

½ cup of cooked broccoli

2 cooked onions, peeled and cut into quarters

½ kg cooked potatoes, peeled and cut in half


Preheat oven to temperature 220 °C. Arrange chicken in the bottom of a large enameled covered casserole. Place garlic and tomatoes inside chicken cavity. Arrange remaining vegetables around chicken. Season with Vegeta, salt and pepper. Cover pan and place in oven. Roast one hour. Take the chicken out of oven, remove vegetables from casserole. Set aside and cover to keep warm. Baste chicken with juices and roast another 15 minutes, uncovered, or until chicken is brown.. Remove from oven. Let chicken stand 5 minutes before carving. Serve chicken with vegetables.

Maja Novak

Autumn 2005/06

15 May 2006


Mramorni nabujak

Za tijesto: 300g margarina

295g šećera

1 vanilin-šećer

2 žlice domaćeg ruma


5 jaja

375g brašna

4 žlice praška za pecivo

6 žlice mlijeka

20g kakaa

300g omekšanog margarina pjenasto izmiješajte električnom miješalicom najvećom brzinom oko ½ minute. Postupno dodajte 275g šećera, 1 vrećicu vanilin-šećera, 2 žlice ruma i sol, miješajući dok ne nastane jednolična, povezana smjesa.

Jedno po jedno umiješajte 5 jaja, miješajući svako oko ½ minute. 375g pšeničnog brašna i 4 razom pune žličice praška za pecivo promiješajte, prosijte i žlicu po žlicu umiješajte u smjesu naizmjence sa 3 žlice mlijeka (odnosno toliko mlijeka da se tijesto odvaja od žlice), i to miješajući srednjom brzinom.

Ulijte 2/3 tijesta u namašćeni kalup za nabujak, promjera oko 24 cm. U ostatak tijesta prosijte 20g kakaa i dodajte 20g šećera i 2-3 žlice mlijeka (odnosno toliko mlijeka da tijesto teško otpada sa žlice). Tamno tijesto razmažite povrh svijetlog. Oba sloja tijesta vilicom spiralno izbrazdajte da poslije bude mramorasto prošarano.

Električna pećnica: 175-200ºC (prethodno zagrijana)

Plinska pećnica: 2-3 (nezagrijana)

Vrijeme pečenja: 50-65 minuta

Ohlađeni nabujak posipajte šećerom u prahu.

Marble Form Cake

Marble form cake is a very simple one but nonetheless delicious. I am extremely fond of it because it reminds me of home and of my family- especially my sister who love it and makes it very often.


300g of margarine

295g of sugar

1 packet of vanilla sugar

2 tablespoons of homemade rum


5 eggs

375g of wheat flour

4 teaspoons of baking powder

6 tablespoons of milk

20g of cocoa powder

Mix 300g of softened margarine with an electric mixer at top speed for a half a minute till it becomes frothy. Gradually add 275g of sugar, one packet of vanilla sugar, 2 tablespoons of rum and salt while mixing it until you get a uniform, smooth mixture.

One by one add 5 eggs by mixing each about half a minute. Mix 375g of flour with 4 teaspoons of baking powder, sift and fold it into the mixture spoon by spoon alternating it with 3 tablespoons of milk (that is, enough milk for the batter to separate itself from the spoon) at medium speed.

Put 2/3 of the batter in a greased form cake mould, about 24 cm in diametre. Sift 20g of cocoa powder in the rest of the batter, add 20g of sugar and 2-3 tablespoons of milk (that is, enough milk for the batter to stick to the spoon).

Spread the dark batter over the light one. Furrow both batters spirally with a prong to make it drapped like marble.

Electric oven: 175-200 º Celsius (heated in advance)

Gas oven: 2-3 (not preheated)

Baking time: 50-65 minutes

Sprinkle the cooked form cake with sugar powder.

Nina Hlušićka

Spring 2005/06

11 May 2006



Bakalar s krumpirom specijalitet je dalmatinske kuhinje. Moja majka ovo jelo priprema na Badnjak za Posnu večeru kada se cijela obitelj tradicionalno okupi za stolom i svi zajedno večeramo.


400 g bakalara

1 kg krumpira

2 dl maslinovog ulja

3 češnja češnjaka



zeleni peršin


Bakalar istucite drvenim batićem, namočite ga u hladnu vodu i ostavite preko noći. Sutradan ga stavite kuhati u posoljenoj vodi dok ne postane makan. Ocijedite ga (vodu sačuvati), skinite kožicu, odvojite kosti i usitnite. Oprani krumpir skuhajte u ljusci. Ogulite ga i narežite na kolutove.

Na ulju propržite usitnjeni češnjak, dodajte pripremljeni bakalar i krumpir, posolite, popaprite, zalijte s malo vode u kojoj se kuhao bakalar i sve zajedno propirjajte. Bakalar se ne smije miješati da se ne raspadne, nego samo povremeno protresite posudu.


Cod with potatoes is a Dalmatian cuisine specialty. My mother prepares this dish on Christmas Eve for the Christmas Eve Fast supper, when our whole family is traditionally gathered around the table and we all eat together.


1 lb dried cod

2.2 lbs potatoes

0.4 pt olive oil

3 cloves garlic, finely chopped





Beat the cod with a wooden mallet, soak it in cold water and leave over night. The following day cook in salted water until soft. Drain (save the water), scrape off the scales, remove the bones and cut up into small pieces. Wash the potatoes and boil them in their skins, then peel them and cut into thin slices.

Fry the chopped garlic in the olive oil, add the prepared cod and potatoes, sprinkle with salt and pepper, add some of the water in which the cod was cooking and braise it all together. The cod must not be stirred so as not to fall apart, but shake the pot occasionally.

Ines Gazibara

Spring 2005/06