18 May 2006



Kako dolazim iz primorskoga grada u Istri, iz Pule, naviknuta sam na Mediteransku kuhinju, i najviše volim laganu hranu. Riba, maslinovo ulje, povrće – to su moji favoriti. Odabrala sam ovaj recept zato što je to jelo koje moj otac najbolje priprema, a ja obožavam njegovu kuhinju. Piletina s povrćem je moje omiljeno jelo, i iako sam pokušala mnogo puta, ne mogu ga pripremiti tako dobro kao moj otac. Naime, ja sam stručnjak za pripremanje ribe. I tako, kada god ulovim malo vremena za svoju obitelj, požurujem tatu u kuhinju i on odmah zna da želim njegov specijalitet za ručak.

Vrijeme pripreme i kuhanja: približno 2 sata

Za: 4 osobe


1 cijela koka za pečenje

3 režnja češnjaka, oguljena

½ šalice nasjeckane rajčice

½ šalice kuhane mrkve, narezane na polovice

½ šalice kuhane brokule

2 kuhane glavice luka, oguljene i narezane na četvrtine

½ kg kuhanog krumpira, oguljenog i narezanog na polovice


Prethodno zagrijati pećnicu na 220 °C. Staviti pile na dno velike emajlirane vatrostalne posude s poklopcem. Nadjenuti pile rajčicom i češnjakom. Preostalo povrće posložiti oko pileta. Začiniti Vegetom, solju i paprom. Pokriti posudu i staviti u pećnicu. Peći 1 sat. Izvaditi pile iz pećnice, ukloniti povrće iz posude. Staviti sa strane i pokriti da ostane toplo. Preliti pile sokovima i peći dodatnih 15 minuta, u nepokrivenoj posudi ili dok pile ne dobije boju. Izvaditi iz pećnice. Pustiti pile da odstoji 5 minuta prije rezanja. Servirati s povrćem.


Since I come from a seaside town in Istria, Pula, I am much accustomed to the Mediterranean cooking, and prefer light food. Fish, olive oil, vegetables – these are my favourites.

I have chosen this recipe because it is what my father prepares best, and I adore his cuisine. Chicken with vegetables is my favourite food dish, and although I have tried many times, I cannot prepare it as good as my father. Namely, I am an expert for preparing fish. So, whenever I catch a little time to spend with my family, I urge my father into the kitcken, and he instantly knows that I would like his specialty to be served for lunch.

Preparation and cooking time: approximately 2 hours

Serves: 4 people


1 roasting chicken, whole

3 cloves of garlic, peeled

½ cup of chopped tomatoes

½ cup of cooked carrots, cut in half

½ cup of cooked broccoli

2 cooked onions, peeled and cut into quarters

½ kg cooked potatoes, peeled and cut in half


Preheat oven to temperature 220 °C. Arrange chicken in the bottom of a large enameled covered casserole. Place garlic and tomatoes inside chicken cavity. Arrange remaining vegetables around chicken. Season with Vegeta, salt and pepper. Cover pan and place in oven. Roast one hour. Take the chicken out of oven, remove vegetables from casserole. Set aside and cover to keep warm. Baste chicken with juices and roast another 15 minutes, uncovered, or until chicken is brown.. Remove from oven. Let chicken stand 5 minutes before carving. Serve chicken with vegetables.

Maja Novak

Autumn 2005/06


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