Rižoto od divljih šparuga
(za 2 osobe)
U mojoj obitelji šparuge se često jedu tokom njihove sezone (dakle,tokom travnja i svibnja). Moj tata ih obično ubere puno tako da smo isprobali mnoštvo različitih recepata sa šparugama, a meni nedvojbeno najbolji je rižoto od divljih šparuga.
0,5 dcl maslinovog ulja
40 dkg šparuga
15 dkg riže
Naribani sir
Uzmite posudu i nju ulijte vode i dodajte malo soli. Kad se voda zakuha dodajte 15dkg riže. Češnjak i peršin sitno isjeckajte,a potom očistite šparuge tako da odlomite gorki dio koji je najčešće donji dio stabiljke.
Zatim ulijete malo maslinovog ulja (oko o,5 dcl) u veliku tavu i zatim dodajte češnjak i peršin. Zagrijte tavu na najjačoj vatri i dobro miješajte oko minutu. Potom dodajte šparuge.
Sve to skupa miješajte 5-7 min sve dok šparuge ne postanu mekane. Tada riža je vjerovatno gotova tako da ju dodajte u tavu zajedno sa šparugama, peršinom i češnjakom. Nastavite miješati još minutu ili dvije.
Na kraju pospite sve sa naribanim sirom i možete poslužiti.
Wild Asparagus Risotto
(for two people)
In my family asparagus are eaten quite often during their season (April-May). My father usually picks them in abundance, so we have tried many different recipes and my favourite is definitely asparagus risotto.
0.5 dcl olive oil
40 dkg asparagus
15 dkg rice
Grated cheese
Take a pan and pour into it some water and a teaspoon of salt. Wait till the water boils and then add into it 15 dkg of rice. The garlic and parsley chop finely. Clean the asparagus by cutting off the bitter part, which is usually the lower half of the stalk.
Then pour some olive oil (about 0.5 dcl) into a larger saucepan and add into it garlic and parsley and sauté' over high heat and mix it very fast for about a minute. Then add the asparagus. Mix well for 5-7 minutes until the asparagus becomes soft. The rice will probably be ready by this time, so put it in the frying pan with the asparagus, parsley and garlic. Mix it all for about a minute or two. Sprinkle over it some grated cheese and now it is ready to be served.
Marina Kevrić
Spring 2005/05
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