Odlučila sam se za ovaj recept jer je to moje omiljeno jelo. Uz to je jako ukusno kao prilog, ali može se jesti i samo. kao prilog, najbolje ga je jesti uz meso. Ne može se reći da je tipičan za neki određeni dio Hrvatske,ali svugdje se rado jede.
-4 tikvice srednje veličine
-sol i mljeveni papar
-2 jaja
-4 jušne žlice brašna
-usitnjeni peršin
-suncokretovo ulje, za lagano prženje
-poslužuje se sa ribanim sirom i salatom
Najprije trebamo oguliti i naribati tikvice.Zatim ih stavimo u cijedilo, malo posolimo i ostavimo ih tako 30-ak minuta do sat vremena. Nakon otprilike30-ak minuta, ocijedimo ih i odstranimo višak tekućine.
Nakon što smo ih izvadili iz vode, stavimo tikvice, jaja, brašno, peršin, sol i mljeveni papar u srednje veliku zdjelu i sve dobro promiješamo. Nakon toga stavimo tu smjesu žlicu po žlicu na vruće ulje i poravnamo svaku sa žlicom. Treba ih peći 4-5 minuta dok ne postanu zlatno-smeđe. Zatim svaku stavimo na papirnati kuhinjski papir da upije višak ulja i masnoća. Nakon toga ih stavimo na tanjur i poslužimo sa salatom i posipamo sa ribanim sirom.
Ovo jelo može biti posluženo kao predjelo ili kao prilog uz pečeno meso.
The reason why I have chosen this dish is because it is one of my favorite ones. It can be served as a starter or even as a main dish like I prefer to have it. You can't really say that it is typical for any certain part of Croatia, but people like it all around the country.
-4 courgettes, medium size
-salt and ground black pepper
-2 eggs
-4 tablespoonful (tbsp) of flour
- chopped parsley
-sunflower oil, for shallow frying
-we serve it with grated cheese and salad
First we need to peel and grate the courgettes. After that put them in a colander, we sprinkle it with salt and leave it for 30 minutes to 1 hour. After an 30 minutes or so, we drain and remove excess moisture by squeezing them with hands.
After we have taken them out of the water, we put the courgettes, eggs, flour, parsley, salt and ground black pepper in a medium bowl and we mix them well.The next step is to place spoonfuls of mixture into hot shallow oil and flatten each one with a spoon. Then we cook it for 4-5 minutes until it becomes golden brown on both sides. After that, we put each cooked slice on the kitchen paper to absorb the excess oil. Then we place it on a serving dish with salad and sprinkle with grated cheese.
This dish can be served as a starter or as an accompaniment to roast meat.
Eva Velički
Spring 2005/06
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