30 May 2006


Zlevka je vrsta kolača. Dolazi iz ruralnih područja sjeverozapadne Hrvatske. Prvi put sam kušala taj kolač kada sam imala 11 godina. Imao je drugačiji okus od svih ostalih kolača koje sam do tada probala. Kolač izgleda sasvim obično, ali jako fino miriši. Mene je fascinirala priča o tom kolaču. Prvi put sam ga jela kod tete, ali je tom prilikom ondje bila cijela mamina obitelj. Počeli su pričati o svojem djetinjstvu, a između ostalog i o hrani. U majčinoj obitelji bilo je šestero djece, a baka ih je morala sama odgajati, jer je djed rano umro. Nisu imali mnogo novca, ali su obrađivali zemlju, imali su krave koje su davale mlijeko, kokoši za jaja i meso, te svinje za meso. U to vrijeme ljudi su morali iskoristiti sve što su imali kod kuće i stvari se nisu bacale kao danas, npr. hrana. Meso se jelo jednom ili dvaput tjedno, a kolači s kremom ili orasima pekli su se samo za blagdane ili posebne prigode. Moja baka je bila, i još uvijek je vrlo vješta u kuhinji, od ničega zna napraviti svašta. Zlevku je pripremala djeci za doručak kako bi pojeli nešto toplo i konkretno, te kako bi bili siti do ručka. Sastojci kolača nisu ništa posebno, to su stvari koje su se mogu naći u bilo kojem kućanstvu i koje nisu bile preskupe.

0,5 l mlijeka
0,1 l ulja
1 jaje
4 velike žlice šećera
malo soli
0,2 kg svježeg kravljeg sira
4 velike žlice kukuruznog brašna
komadić margarina
kiselo vrhnje

Pomiješajte 3 velike žlice kukuruznog brašna, mlijeko, ulje, jaje, sol i svježi kravlji sir. Uzmite komadić margarina, namažite njime tepsiju i pospite je jednom žlicom kukuruznog brašna. Nakon toga ulijte smjesu u tepsiju. Smjesu prelijte kiselim vrhnjem i stavite tepsiju u pećnicu. Pecite kolač 30min na temperaturi od 170°.

Zlevka is a sort of a cake. It originates from rural areas in northwestern Croatia. I tried this cake for the first time when I was eleven. It tasted rather differently than other cakes I had tried. It looks rather plain, but smells really nice. I was fascinated by the story about the cake. I ate it at my aunt’s place, but the whole family from my mother’s side was there. They started talking about their childhood and among other things about the food. There were six children all together in my mother’s family and my grandmother had to raise them on her own, because my grandfather died very young. They did not have much money, but they had land, which they cultivated, cows for milk, chickens for eggs and meat and pigs also for meat. In those days people had to use everything they had and did not throw so many things away as they do know, including food. They ate meat once or maybe twice a week and cakes with cream or walnuts were made only on Sundays or on special occasions. My grandmother was, and still is, very good at cooking, so she knew to make something out of nothing. She used to make zlevka for breakfast so that the children had something warm and solid to eat, which could keep them full until lunch. The ingredients of this cake are not something special, they are things that could be found in households and were not too expensive.

0.5 l milk
0.1 l oil
1 egg
4 tablespoons of sugar
a pinch of salt
0.2 kg cow’s milk cheese
4 tablespoons of corn flour
a piece of margarine
sour cream

Mix together 3 tablespoons of corn flour, milk, oil, 1 egg, salt and cow’s milk cheese. Take a piece of margarine, smear it on a baking tin and strew one tablespoon of corn flour over it. Then pour the mixture into the tin. Pour the sour cream over it and put it in the oven. Bake it for 30min at 170°.

Tea Kelvišer
Spring 2005/06


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