06 June 2006


Gibanica sa sirom

Gibanica sa sirom jedna je od mnogih varijanti gibanice, koja je opet jedna od mnogih varijanti nadjevenih jela od tijesta koja se mogu naći na prostorima središnje, južne i istočne Europe te bivšeg Otomanskog carstva. Najpoznatije od tih inačica jesu burek nadjeven mesom ili sirom (ili oboje), vrlo popularan u Turskoj i na Balkanu, i štrudla od jabuka, popularna u središnjoj Europi.

Sama gibanica razlikuje se od zemlje do zemlje, a u Hrvatskoj je najpoznatija „međimurska“ gibanica. Nadjeva se raznim vrstama suhog voća (grožđicama, jabukama) i sirom. Vrlo je kalorična i može se kupiti u nekim pekarnicama.


½ svježeg kravljeg sira

2 dcl vrhnja

2 jajeta

6 debelih kora

Nekoliko žlica ulja


U dubokoj posudi izmješaj sir, vrhnje i jaja. Dodaj 2 prstohvata soli. Dodaj 1/2 dcl mineralne vode. Dobro izmješaj. Jednu koru položi na dno tepsije a drugu stavi na stranu. Prepolovi ostale kore, složi ih u grude i zatim jednu po jednu umači u smjesu dok je ne nestane. Natopljene grude ravnomjerno složi u tepsiju i pokrij preostalom korom, koju dobro naulji. Peci 20 minuta na 200 Celzijusovih stupnjeva. Dobar tek!

Cheese Gibanica

The cheese Gibanica (lit., “the little mover”) is one of the many varieties of “gibanica”, which is in turn one of the many varieties of filled pastry meals to be found throughout Central, Eastern and Southern Europe and on the territory of the former Ottoman Empire. The most well-known of these varieties are Burek, filled with cheese or meat (or both), vastly popular in Turkey and on the Balkans, and apple Strudel, popular in Central Europe. Gibanica itself varies according to the country in which it is made; Croatia’s most famous variety is “međimurska” (a region in the northern part of Croatia) gibanica. It is filled with various sorts of dried fruit (raisins, apples) and cheese. It contains a lot of calories and can be bought at some pastry shops.


½ of wheel of fresh cow cheese

1 cup of sour cream

2 eggs

½ a dozen of thick pastry layers

A few teaspoons of oil


Mix and stir the cheese, cream and eggs in a deep bowl. Add two pinches of salt. Add 1/5 cup of mineral water. Stir the mixture well. Lay one layer on the bottom of the baker and set another one aside. Tear the other layers in half and make them into balls, then soak them in the mixture until there is none left. Arrange the soaked balls evenly in the baker and cover them with the remaining layer, which should first be soaked in oil. Bake it in the oven at 20 degrees Celsius for 20 minutes. Bon appetite!

Lovro Škopljanac

Spring 20005/06


At 12:42 PM, Blogger IBCT said...

jedna napomena:
"burek" može biti samo i jedino s mesnim nadjevom. sve ostalo su gibanice ili kako u Bosni kažu "pite".


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