27 June 2006



Burek ili Börek je jelo koje potječe iz Turke kuhinje, ali je vrlo popularno u mnogim Balkanskim zemljama (posebno u Makedoniji, Hrvatskoj, Srbiji i Crnoj Gori i Bosni i Hercegovini), i vjerojatno se proširilo tijekom Otomanskog Carstva. Ovo jelo je također vrlo popularno i u Izraelu pod nazivom „burekas“ ili „Turski burekas“.

Burek je tradicionalno jelo u zemlji iz koje dolazim – Bosni i Hercegovini. Izabrala sam ga jer ovdje u Hrvatskoj ljudi zovu burek svaku vrstu pite, npr. burek sa sirom, burek s mesom, itd., dok se u BiH burek odnosi samo na varijantu s mesom, dok se pita sa sirom zove sirnica, ona sa sirom i špinatom zeljanica, s krumpirom krumpiruša.

Priprema bureka nije jednostavna jer zahtijeva određeno vrijeme da bi se tijesto pravilno pripremilo, te iziskuje određenu vještinu i iskustvo. Dok sam bila mala često sam gledala baku kako pravi burek, međutim ja ga nisam nikad naučila praviti.

Sastojci za tijesto:

500g glatkog tijesta

25g maslaca

prstohvat soli

topla voda

Sastojci za nadjev:

500g mljevene teletine

250g mljevene govedine

4 luka

25g maslaca

2 žumanjca




Umijesite brašno, istopljeni maslac, sol i toplu vodu za tijesto. Dodajte onoliko vode koliko je potrebno da smjesa postane kompaktna. Tijesto izrežite na četiri jednaka dijela. Za pripremu nadjeva izmiješajte meso, maslac, nasjeckani luk, žumanjce, sol i papar. Prije nego što razvaljate tijesto, pokrijte površinu stola platnom ili nekim drugim materijalom i pospite ga brašnom. Tada razvaljajte tijesto dok ne postane vrlo tanko pazeći da ga ne „poderete“. Tijesto tanko premažite maslacem. Nadjev postavite na jedan rub tijesta i zatim tijesto lagano rolajte dok ne dobije oblik kobasice. U ovalnu posudu stavite dobivenu „kobasicu“ tako da je motate ukrug počevši od središta posude. Prije nego što je burek potpuno pečen premažite ga mašću ili maslacem rastopljenim u toploj vodi.


Burek or Börek is a dish originating in Turkish cuisine, but very popular in many countries in the Balkan region (especially in Macedonia, Croatia, Serbia and Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina), probably spread during the Ottoman Empire. In Israel this food is also fairly popular under the name "burekas" or "Turkish burekas".

Burek is traditional dish in a country I come from – Bosnia and Herzegovina. I choose it because here in Croatia people call burek every kind of pie, for eg. cheese burek, meat burek and so on, but in Bosnia and Herzegovina the word burek refers only to the meat variant, while the one with cottage cheese being called sirnica, one with spinach and cheese zeljanica, one with potatoes krompiruša, and all of them are referred as pita (trans. pie). Its preparation is not very simple because it takes a while to prepare pastry right and it takes some experience and skill. When I was little, I often watched my grandmother making burek, but I myself have never learnt to prepare one.

Ingredients for pastry:

500g of plain flour

25g of butter


Warm water

Ingredients for filling:

500g of minced veal

250g of minced beef

Four onions

25g of butter

Two egg yolks




Mix flour, melted butter, salt and warm water to prepare the pastry. Add water until you get a nice firm dough. Cut the pastry in four equal pieces. To prepare the filling mix the meat, melted butter, chopped onions, egg yolks, salt and pepper. Cover the pastry thinly with melted butter. You need to stretch the dough on a table. Make sure you got the table covered with a big cloth or other fabric and place heaps of flour on it. Then place the dough on the table and carefully stretch it until it gets very thin and be careful not to rip the dough.

Put the filling at the edge of one side of the pastry and roll it up to create sausage roll-like pastry. Take the round dish and create the spiral with the pastry starting from the middle of the dish. Before completely baked, pour either the double cream or butter melted in warm water.

Zana Šaškin

Spring 2005/06




Mix flour, melted butter, salt and warm water to prepare the pastry. Add water until you get a nice firm dough. Cut the pastry in four equal pieces. To prepare the filling mix the meat, melted butter, chopped onions, egg yolks, salt and pepper. Cover the pastry thinly with melted butter. You need to stretch the dough on a table. Make sure you got the table covered with a big cloth or other fabric and place heaps of flour on it. Then place the dough on the table and carefully stretch it until it gets very thin and be careful not to rip the dough.

Put the filling at the edge of one side of the pastry and roll it up to create sausage roll-like pastry. Take the round dish and create the spiral with the pastry starting from the middle of the dish. Before completely baked, pour either the double cream or butter melted in warm water.

Zana Šaškin

Spring 2005/06


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