30 May 2006


Zlevka je vrsta kolača. Dolazi iz ruralnih područja sjeverozapadne Hrvatske. Prvi put sam kušala taj kolač kada sam imala 11 godina. Imao je drugačiji okus od svih ostalih kolača koje sam do tada probala. Kolač izgleda sasvim obično, ali jako fino miriši. Mene je fascinirala priča o tom kolaču. Prvi put sam ga jela kod tete, ali je tom prilikom ondje bila cijela mamina obitelj. Počeli su pričati o svojem djetinjstvu, a između ostalog i o hrani. U majčinoj obitelji bilo je šestero djece, a baka ih je morala sama odgajati, jer je djed rano umro. Nisu imali mnogo novca, ali su obrađivali zemlju, imali su krave koje su davale mlijeko, kokoši za jaja i meso, te svinje za meso. U to vrijeme ljudi su morali iskoristiti sve što su imali kod kuće i stvari se nisu bacale kao danas, npr. hrana. Meso se jelo jednom ili dvaput tjedno, a kolači s kremom ili orasima pekli su se samo za blagdane ili posebne prigode. Moja baka je bila, i još uvijek je vrlo vješta u kuhinji, od ničega zna napraviti svašta. Zlevku je pripremala djeci za doručak kako bi pojeli nešto toplo i konkretno, te kako bi bili siti do ručka. Sastojci kolača nisu ništa posebno, to su stvari koje su se mogu naći u bilo kojem kućanstvu i koje nisu bile preskupe.

0,5 l mlijeka
0,1 l ulja
1 jaje
4 velike žlice šećera
malo soli
0,2 kg svježeg kravljeg sira
4 velike žlice kukuruznog brašna
komadić margarina
kiselo vrhnje

Pomiješajte 3 velike žlice kukuruznog brašna, mlijeko, ulje, jaje, sol i svježi kravlji sir. Uzmite komadić margarina, namažite njime tepsiju i pospite je jednom žlicom kukuruznog brašna. Nakon toga ulijte smjesu u tepsiju. Smjesu prelijte kiselim vrhnjem i stavite tepsiju u pećnicu. Pecite kolač 30min na temperaturi od 170°.

Zlevka is a sort of a cake. It originates from rural areas in northwestern Croatia. I tried this cake for the first time when I was eleven. It tasted rather differently than other cakes I had tried. It looks rather plain, but smells really nice. I was fascinated by the story about the cake. I ate it at my aunt’s place, but the whole family from my mother’s side was there. They started talking about their childhood and among other things about the food. There were six children all together in my mother’s family and my grandmother had to raise them on her own, because my grandfather died very young. They did not have much money, but they had land, which they cultivated, cows for milk, chickens for eggs and meat and pigs also for meat. In those days people had to use everything they had and did not throw so many things away as they do know, including food. They ate meat once or maybe twice a week and cakes with cream or walnuts were made only on Sundays or on special occasions. My grandmother was, and still is, very good at cooking, so she knew to make something out of nothing. She used to make zlevka for breakfast so that the children had something warm and solid to eat, which could keep them full until lunch. The ingredients of this cake are not something special, they are things that could be found in households and were not too expensive.

0.5 l milk
0.1 l oil
1 egg
4 tablespoons of sugar
a pinch of salt
0.2 kg cow’s milk cheese
4 tablespoons of corn flour
a piece of margarine
sour cream

Mix together 3 tablespoons of corn flour, milk, oil, 1 egg, salt and cow’s milk cheese. Take a piece of margarine, smear it on a baking tin and strew one tablespoon of corn flour over it. Then pour the mixture into the tin. Pour the sour cream over it and put it in the oven. Bake it for 30min at 170°.

Tea Kelvišer
Spring 2005/06

22 May 2006



Odlučila sam se za ovaj recept jer je to moje omiljeno jelo. Uz to je jako ukusno kao prilog, ali može se jesti i samo. kao prilog, najbolje ga je jesti uz meso. Ne može se reći da je tipičan za neki određeni dio Hrvatske,ali svugdje se rado jede.


-4 tikvice srednje veličine

-sol i mljeveni papar

-2 jaja

-4 jušne žlice brašna

-usitnjeni peršin

-suncokretovo ulje, za lagano prženje

-poslužuje se sa ribanim sirom i salatom


Najprije trebamo oguliti i naribati tikvice.Zatim ih stavimo u cijedilo, malo posolimo i ostavimo ih tako 30-ak minuta do sat vremena. Nakon otprilike30-ak minuta, ocijedimo ih i odstranimo višak tekućine.

Nakon što smo ih izvadili iz vode, stavimo tikvice, jaja, brašno, peršin, sol i mljeveni papar u srednje veliku zdjelu i sve dobro promiješamo. Nakon toga stavimo tu smjesu žlicu po žlicu na vruće ulje i poravnamo svaku sa žlicom. Treba ih peći 4-5 minuta dok ne postanu zlatno-smeđe. Zatim svaku stavimo na papirnati kuhinjski papir da upije višak ulja i masnoća. Nakon toga ih stavimo na tanjur i poslužimo sa salatom i posipamo sa ribanim sirom.

Ovo jelo može biti posluženo kao predjelo ili kao prilog uz pečeno meso.


The reason why I have chosen this dish is because it is one of my favorite ones. It can be served as a starter or even as a main dish like I prefer to have it. You can't really say that it is typical for any certain part of Croatia, but people like it all around the country.


-4 courgettes, medium size

-salt and ground black pepper

-2 eggs

-4 tablespoonful (tbsp) of flour

- chopped parsley

-sunflower oil, for shallow frying

-we serve it with grated cheese and salad


First we need to peel and grate the courgettes. After that put them in a colander, we sprinkle it with salt and leave it for 30 minutes to 1 hour. After an 30 minutes or so, we drain and remove excess moisture by squeezing them with hands.

After we have taken them out of the water, we put the courgettes, eggs, flour, parsley, salt and ground black pepper in a medium bowl and we mix them well.The next step is to place spoonfuls of mixture into hot shallow oil and flatten each one with a spoon. Then we cook it for 4-5 minutes until it becomes golden brown on both sides. After that, we put each cooked slice on the kitchen paper to absorb the excess oil. Then we place it on a serving dish with salad and sprinkle with grated cheese.

This dish can be served as a starter or as an accompaniment to roast meat.

Eva Velički

Spring 2005/06


Rižoto od divljih šparuga

(za 2 osobe)

U mojoj obitelji šparuge se često jedu tokom njihove sezone (dakle,tokom travnja i svibnja). Moj tata ih obično ubere puno tako da smo isprobali mnoštvo različitih recepata sa šparugama, a meni nedvojbeno najbolji je rižoto od divljih šparuga.


0,5 dcl maslinovog ulja




40 dkg šparuga

15 dkg riže

Naribani sir


Uzmite posudu i nju ulijte vode i dodajte malo soli. Kad se voda zakuha dodajte 15dkg riže. Češnjak i peršin sitno isjeckajte,a potom očistite šparuge tako da odlomite gorki dio koji je najčešće donji dio stabiljke.

Zatim ulijete malo maslinovog ulja (oko o,5 dcl) u veliku tavu i zatim dodajte češnjak i peršin. Zagrijte tavu na najjačoj vatri i dobro miješajte oko minutu. Potom dodajte šparuge.

Sve to skupa miješajte 5-7 min sve dok šparuge ne postanu mekane. Tada riža je vjerovatno gotova tako da ju dodajte u tavu zajedno sa šparugama, peršinom i češnjakom. Nastavite miješati još minutu ili dvije.

Na kraju pospite sve sa naribanim sirom i možete poslužiti.

Wild Asparagus Risotto

(for two people)

In my family asparagus are eaten quite often during their season (April-May). My father usually picks them in abundance, so we have tried many different recipes and my favourite is definitely asparagus risotto.


0.5 dcl olive oil




40 dkg asparagus

15 dkg rice

Grated cheese


Take a pan and pour into it some water and a teaspoon of salt. Wait till the water boils and then add into it 15 dkg of rice. The garlic and parsley chop finely. Clean the asparagus by cutting off the bitter part, which is usually the lower half of the stalk.

Then pour some olive oil (about 0.5 dcl) into a larger saucepan and add into it garlic and parsley and sauté' over high heat and mix it very fast for about a minute. Then add the asparagus. Mix well for 5-7 minutes until the asparagus becomes soft. The rice will probably be ready by this time, so put it in the frying pan with the asparagus, parsley and garlic. Mix it all for about a minute or two. Sprinkle over it some grated cheese and now it is ready to be served.

Marina Kevrić

Spring 2005/05

18 May 2006



Kako dolazim iz primorskoga grada u Istri, iz Pule, naviknuta sam na Mediteransku kuhinju, i najviše volim laganu hranu. Riba, maslinovo ulje, povrće – to su moji favoriti. Odabrala sam ovaj recept zato što je to jelo koje moj otac najbolje priprema, a ja obožavam njegovu kuhinju. Piletina s povrćem je moje omiljeno jelo, i iako sam pokušala mnogo puta, ne mogu ga pripremiti tako dobro kao moj otac. Naime, ja sam stručnjak za pripremanje ribe. I tako, kada god ulovim malo vremena za svoju obitelj, požurujem tatu u kuhinju i on odmah zna da želim njegov specijalitet za ručak.

Vrijeme pripreme i kuhanja: približno 2 sata

Za: 4 osobe


1 cijela koka za pečenje

3 režnja češnjaka, oguljena

½ šalice nasjeckane rajčice

½ šalice kuhane mrkve, narezane na polovice

½ šalice kuhane brokule

2 kuhane glavice luka, oguljene i narezane na četvrtine

½ kg kuhanog krumpira, oguljenog i narezanog na polovice


Prethodno zagrijati pećnicu na 220 °C. Staviti pile na dno velike emajlirane vatrostalne posude s poklopcem. Nadjenuti pile rajčicom i češnjakom. Preostalo povrće posložiti oko pileta. Začiniti Vegetom, solju i paprom. Pokriti posudu i staviti u pećnicu. Peći 1 sat. Izvaditi pile iz pećnice, ukloniti povrće iz posude. Staviti sa strane i pokriti da ostane toplo. Preliti pile sokovima i peći dodatnih 15 minuta, u nepokrivenoj posudi ili dok pile ne dobije boju. Izvaditi iz pećnice. Pustiti pile da odstoji 5 minuta prije rezanja. Servirati s povrćem.


Since I come from a seaside town in Istria, Pula, I am much accustomed to the Mediterranean cooking, and prefer light food. Fish, olive oil, vegetables – these are my favourites.

I have chosen this recipe because it is what my father prepares best, and I adore his cuisine. Chicken with vegetables is my favourite food dish, and although I have tried many times, I cannot prepare it as good as my father. Namely, I am an expert for preparing fish. So, whenever I catch a little time to spend with my family, I urge my father into the kitcken, and he instantly knows that I would like his specialty to be served for lunch.

Preparation and cooking time: approximately 2 hours

Serves: 4 people


1 roasting chicken, whole

3 cloves of garlic, peeled

½ cup of chopped tomatoes

½ cup of cooked carrots, cut in half

½ cup of cooked broccoli

2 cooked onions, peeled and cut into quarters

½ kg cooked potatoes, peeled and cut in half


Preheat oven to temperature 220 °C. Arrange chicken in the bottom of a large enameled covered casserole. Place garlic and tomatoes inside chicken cavity. Arrange remaining vegetables around chicken. Season with Vegeta, salt and pepper. Cover pan and place in oven. Roast one hour. Take the chicken out of oven, remove vegetables from casserole. Set aside and cover to keep warm. Baste chicken with juices and roast another 15 minutes, uncovered, or until chicken is brown.. Remove from oven. Let chicken stand 5 minutes before carving. Serve chicken with vegetables.

Maja Novak

Autumn 2005/06

15 May 2006


Mramorni nabujak

Za tijesto: 300g margarina

295g šećera

1 vanilin-šećer

2 žlice domaćeg ruma


5 jaja

375g brašna

4 žlice praška za pecivo

6 žlice mlijeka

20g kakaa

300g omekšanog margarina pjenasto izmiješajte električnom miješalicom najvećom brzinom oko ½ minute. Postupno dodajte 275g šećera, 1 vrećicu vanilin-šećera, 2 žlice ruma i sol, miješajući dok ne nastane jednolična, povezana smjesa.

Jedno po jedno umiješajte 5 jaja, miješajući svako oko ½ minute. 375g pšeničnog brašna i 4 razom pune žličice praška za pecivo promiješajte, prosijte i žlicu po žlicu umiješajte u smjesu naizmjence sa 3 žlice mlijeka (odnosno toliko mlijeka da se tijesto odvaja od žlice), i to miješajući srednjom brzinom.

Ulijte 2/3 tijesta u namašćeni kalup za nabujak, promjera oko 24 cm. U ostatak tijesta prosijte 20g kakaa i dodajte 20g šećera i 2-3 žlice mlijeka (odnosno toliko mlijeka da tijesto teško otpada sa žlice). Tamno tijesto razmažite povrh svijetlog. Oba sloja tijesta vilicom spiralno izbrazdajte da poslije bude mramorasto prošarano.

Električna pećnica: 175-200ºC (prethodno zagrijana)

Plinska pećnica: 2-3 (nezagrijana)

Vrijeme pečenja: 50-65 minuta

Ohlađeni nabujak posipajte šećerom u prahu.

Marble Form Cake

Marble form cake is a very simple one but nonetheless delicious. I am extremely fond of it because it reminds me of home and of my family- especially my sister who love it and makes it very often.


300g of margarine

295g of sugar

1 packet of vanilla sugar

2 tablespoons of homemade rum


5 eggs

375g of wheat flour

4 teaspoons of baking powder

6 tablespoons of milk

20g of cocoa powder

Mix 300g of softened margarine with an electric mixer at top speed for a half a minute till it becomes frothy. Gradually add 275g of sugar, one packet of vanilla sugar, 2 tablespoons of rum and salt while mixing it until you get a uniform, smooth mixture.

One by one add 5 eggs by mixing each about half a minute. Mix 375g of flour with 4 teaspoons of baking powder, sift and fold it into the mixture spoon by spoon alternating it with 3 tablespoons of milk (that is, enough milk for the batter to separate itself from the spoon) at medium speed.

Put 2/3 of the batter in a greased form cake mould, about 24 cm in diametre. Sift 20g of cocoa powder in the rest of the batter, add 20g of sugar and 2-3 tablespoons of milk (that is, enough milk for the batter to stick to the spoon).

Spread the dark batter over the light one. Furrow both batters spirally with a prong to make it drapped like marble.

Electric oven: 175-200 º Celsius (heated in advance)

Gas oven: 2-3 (not preheated)

Baking time: 50-65 minutes

Sprinkle the cooked form cake with sugar powder.

Nina Hlušićka

Spring 2005/06

11 May 2006



Bakalar s krumpirom specijalitet je dalmatinske kuhinje. Moja majka ovo jelo priprema na Badnjak za Posnu večeru kada se cijela obitelj tradicionalno okupi za stolom i svi zajedno večeramo.


400 g bakalara

1 kg krumpira

2 dl maslinovog ulja

3 češnja češnjaka



zeleni peršin


Bakalar istucite drvenim batićem, namočite ga u hladnu vodu i ostavite preko noći. Sutradan ga stavite kuhati u posoljenoj vodi dok ne postane makan. Ocijedite ga (vodu sačuvati), skinite kožicu, odvojite kosti i usitnite. Oprani krumpir skuhajte u ljusci. Ogulite ga i narežite na kolutove.

Na ulju propržite usitnjeni češnjak, dodajte pripremljeni bakalar i krumpir, posolite, popaprite, zalijte s malo vode u kojoj se kuhao bakalar i sve zajedno propirjajte. Bakalar se ne smije miješati da se ne raspadne, nego samo povremeno protresite posudu.


Cod with potatoes is a Dalmatian cuisine specialty. My mother prepares this dish on Christmas Eve for the Christmas Eve Fast supper, when our whole family is traditionally gathered around the table and we all eat together.


1 lb dried cod

2.2 lbs potatoes

0.4 pt olive oil

3 cloves garlic, finely chopped





Beat the cod with a wooden mallet, soak it in cold water and leave over night. The following day cook in salted water until soft. Drain (save the water), scrape off the scales, remove the bones and cut up into small pieces. Wash the potatoes and boil them in their skins, then peel them and cut into thin slices.

Fry the chopped garlic in the olive oil, add the prepared cod and potatoes, sprinkle with salt and pepper, add some of the water in which the cod was cooking and braise it all together. The cod must not be stirred so as not to fall apart, but shake the pot occasionally.

Ines Gazibara

Spring 2005/06


Domaći kruh

Kruh je od davnina bio jedna od glavnih prehrambenih namirnica. Mnogi narodi su ga pekli na razne načine i u raznim oblicima, pa tako i u sjeverozapadnoj Hrvatskoj, a pogotovo u bilogorskom kraju, postoji tradicija pečenja kruha. Ona se najčešće mogla vidjeti u seoskim obiteljima u prvoj polovici 20. stoljeća.

Tijesto za kruh se mijesio u drvenoj posudi zvanoj naćve. Višak tijesta se stavio u zemljanu posudu, prekrio vlažnom krpom te bi se od njega dobio kvasac (kiselo tijesto) koje bi se zatim koristilo u pečenju sljedećeg kruha.

Kruh se pekao u krušnoj peći. Ona se ložila drvima koja bi gorjela dok ne bi ostao samo žar. Nakon što bi se žar pomeo, stavili bi kruh da se peče. Kruh se nikad nije jeo topao, već je morao odstajati barem pola dana prije upotrebe. Uvijek su se pekla četiri kruha odjedanput koja su bila dovoljna za tjedan dana. Pečeni i rashlađeni kruh se čuvao na polici (kobača) koja je imala pregrade za po jedan kruh. Sama polica je bila rešetkasta pa je zrak mogao strujiti slobodno oko kruha da se ovaj ne upljesnivi.

Kruh se jeo u svakoj prilici: za doručak sa prežganom juhom (juha na zapršci), žmarama, sirom kvarglinom (svježi kravlji sir u obliku stošca začinjen paprikom, solju i paprom i sušen na dimu), čvarcima ili domaćom suhom slaninom. Za ručak se jeo sa raznim varivima i grahom, nedjeljama uz pečenu gusku, puricu ili patku koje su se također pekle u krušnoj peći. Ljeti se često jeo kruh nadrobljen u kiselo mlijeko.

Mnoga su se ova jela zadržala u našim krajevima, ali situacija sa kruhom je ponešto drukčija. Tradicija pečenja kruha je zadržana samo na turističkim manifestacijama, poput Kaj su jeli naši stari u Vrbovcu ili Žetvene svečanosti u Daruvaru. Neki domovi još uvijek uživaju u svježe napravljenom domaćem kruhu, ali se sad on radi od bijelog pšeničnog brašna i peče se u električnoj pećnici.


1 kg crnog pšeničnog brašna

1 kg raženog brašna

300 g kukuruznog brašna

200 g kvasca

40 g soli

1,2 l mlake vode


U drvenu posudu ili naćve stavimo sve sastojke osim vode. Nju dodajemo malo po malo i mijesimo dok ne dobijemo glatko tijesto. Kada se tijesto počne odvajati od posude, kruh je dobro umiješan. Tijesto se zatim stavi u drugu posudu, pospe brašnom i pokrije krpom. Ostavimo ga da se diže na toplom mjestu oko jedan sat. Nakon što se digne, stavimo ga u prethodno zagrijanu pećnicu. Kruh se peče oko jedan sat na temperaturi od 180°C. Nakon što je gotov, izvadimo ga i poškropimo vodom da korica omekša te ostavimo da se ohladi. Dobar tek!

Home-made bread

Bread has always been one of the most important groceries. Many peoples have baked it in varios ways and in different shapes, and there is also a tradition of making bread in north-west Croatia, particularly in the Bilogora region. It was usually practiced in families living in villages in the first half of the 20th century.

Women would knead the dough in a wodden dish called "naćve". If there was any dough left, they would put it in a earthen pot, cover it with a moist cloth and it would turn into yeast, which was then used in the preparation of bread.

Bread was baked in a baker's oven. The oven would be stoked with wood which would burn until there were only live coals left. After the women swept the oven with a broom, they would put the bread in it to bake. They would never eat the bread hot, but rather it had to stand at least half a day. They always baked four loafs of bread at once which would be sufficient for a week's time. The baked and cooled bread would then be stored on a shelf ("kobača") which had compartments for each loaf. The shelf was letticed and the air could flow freely around the bread so that it would not become mouldy.

People would eat bread on any occasion: for breakfast with brown roux soup (soup on roux), "schmarren", cheese called "kvarglin" (fresh cow cheese in the shape of a cone made with paprika, salt and pepper and then smoked), cracklings or home-made smoked bacon. For lunch they would eat it with different stews and with beans, and on Sundays it was served with a baked goose, turkey or duck which would also be prepared in a baker's oven. During the summer they would often eat bread crumbled in sour milk.

Many of these dishes are still eaten in my countryside, but the situation with bread is somewhat different. The bread-making tradition can only be seen at tourist events, such as Kaj su jeli naši stari in Vrbovec or Žetvene svečanosti (a harvest festival) in Daruvar. Some families can still enjoy freshly baked home-made bread, but now it is made of white flour and baked in an electric oven.


4 cups of whole-wheat flour

4 cups of rye flour

1 cup and 2 oz of maize flour

10.5 oz of yeast

1.4 oz of salt

2.5 pints of lukewarm water


Put all the ingredients, except the water, in a wooden dish or "naćve". Add water little by little and knead the dough until it becomes smooth. When the dough starts separating from the dish, it is done. Then put it in another dish, flour it and cover it with a cloth. Leave the dough to rise in a warm place for about an hour. After it has risen, put it in the pre-heated oven. The bread should bake for about an hour at a temperature of 180 degrees Celsius. When it is done, take it out, sprinkle it with water so that the crust might mellow and leave it to cool down. Enjoy your meal!

Snježana Javurek

Spring 2005/06

09 May 2006


Pita od jabuka

Ovo mi je jedan od najdražih bakinih recepata. Veoma je jednostavan; nešto jabuka, zdrave ruke za umijesiti tijesto, malo ribanja i to je to. Pošto sam odrasla na selu, uvijek smo imali mnoštvo jabuka tako da je pita od jabuka bila nezaobilazna na našem jelovniku. Moja ju je baka često znala praviti, ali pošto nije više u mogućnosti, to je preuzela moja mama. Ona koristi isti recept i jednako je dobro peče, ali mi je pita nekako bila slađa kad mi ju je pravila baka. Bake imaju taj neki čar. To i objašnjava zašto je uvijek zovem " Bakina pita od jabuka".


4 jaja

šalica masti

20 dkg šećera

prašak za pecivo

pola kg brašna – cca 60 dkg

½ kg jabuka


Sve zamijesiti, podijeliti na 2 dijela, prvi dio razviti, staviti u tepsiju, preko kore složiti jabuke.

Razviti drugu koru i staviti preko jabuka i staviti u pećnicu. Peći pola sata na 200 C.

Naribati pola kg jabuka i zašećeriti sa 10 dkg šećera.

Apple pie

This is one of my grandma’s favorite recipes. It is quite simple; some apples, a good pair of hands for kneading and some grating is just about it. Since I was raised in the country, we always had plenty of apples and apple pie was a sort of a staple on our menu. My grandma used to bake it very often, but since she is no longer able to do so, my Mum took over. She uses the same recipe and bakes it just as good, but it somehow tasted sweeter coming from the hands of my grandma. I guess that is the way grandmas do. It also explains why I always refer to it as “Grandma’s apple pie”.


4 eggs

1 cup lard

20 dkg sugar

1 baking powder

60 dkg flour

½ kg apples


Mix together eggs, lard, 10 dkg sugar, baking powder and flour. Form dough into a flat substance and divide it into 2 parts. Place the first part of the dough in the baking dish. Peel and grate the apples, add 10 dkg sugar, and place them on top of the dough.

Place the second part of the dough over the apples.

Bake at 200 C (392 F) for half an hour.

Ksenija Bandić

Autumn 2005/06


Zvjezdice sa sezamom

20 dkg margarina

25 dkg glatkog brašna

25 dkg svježeg sira

2 jaja

malo soli


Zamijesi margarin, brašno, sir, jedno jaje i sol. Stavi na dva sata u hladnjak da se digne.

Nakon dva sata razvaljaj tijesto do debljine od oko pola centimetra te izreži u različite oblike (npr. zvjezdice).

Svaki kolač namaži jajem te posipaj sezamom.


Sesame Stars

This cake is usually for Christmas. This is because of its shape and taste. Also, it is easy to prepare it and to obtain all the ingredients.

It is not complicated to prepare it and it does not take a long time.

200 grams of butter

250 grams of soft flour

250 grams of fresh cow cheese

2 eggs



Knead butter, flour, cheese, salt and one egg and leave it for two hours in a fridge to rise.

After two hours, roll the pastry flat using a rolling pin. It should be about half a centimeter thick.

Cut the pastry into different shapes (stars, circles, etc.)

Cover each one with egg and sprinkle with sesame.

Put them into a baking sheet covered with oil.

Bake until the stars become slightly brown.

Marijana Horvat

Autumn 2005/06



Za orehnjaču se može reči da je kolač naših starih. Žene su je pekle za blagdane i razne druge prigode kada se obitelj nalazila na okupu. Orehnjača se obično radila na katoličke blagdane Uskrs i Božić. Također pravila se kad su muškarci i žene po cijele dane radili u poljima i želi žito te u jesen kada se brao kukuruz i grožđe. Priprema orehnjače nije laka i traži vrijeme i strpljivost. Glavni sastojak – orah bio je najjeftiniji jer su se stabla oraha mogla pronaći gotovo u svakom dvorištu u središnjem dijelu Hrvatske. Danas je orehnjača prepoznata kao jedno od hrvatskih nacionalnih jela.


3 dag svježeg kvasca (germe)

50 dag brašna (glatko)

5 dag margarina

2 žlice šećera

1 žutanjak

½ l mlijeka



50 dag mljevenih oraha

10 dag grožđica

3 žlica šećera

2 žlice meda

2 dcl mlijeka



Tijesto: Kvasac (germu) razmutiti s malo šećera u 1 dcl mlakog mlijeka, pa ga pokrivenog stavite na toplo mjesto da se digne. U posudi izmješajte šećer i žutanjak, dodajte brašno, rastopljeni margarin i sol. Malo promješajte pa dodajte dignuti kvasac (germu). Dodajte mlako mlijeko i mješajte dok tijesto ne postane mekano (tijesto se mora odvajati od posude i kuhače). Tijesto pokriveno stavite na toplo da se diže (dok se ne udvostruči). Dignuto tijesto lagano promijesite, razdijelite na dva dijela i razvaljajte na pobrašnjenoj podlozi. Tijesto premažite nadjevom te zarolajte i stavite u tepsiju koju ste prije toga zauljili. Pokrite tijesto i stavite na toplo da se tijesto ponovo digne, zatim je stavite peći oko 50 minuta na temperaturu od 175 do 200°C. Orehnjaču pošećerite toplu.

Nadjev: U mlijeko stavite šećer, vanilin-šećer, med i stavite kuhati. Kada mlijeko zakipi stavite orahe, grožđice i malo ruma. Promješajte do srednje tvrdoće. Stavite hladiti.

Walnut Roll

The Walnut roll is the cake of our grandmothers. Women used to prepare it for the holidays and for other occasions when the family was together. It was usually made for Christian holidays Easter and Christmas. Also the walnut was prepared when men and women worked all day in the fields mowing the wheat and in autumn when maze and grapes were picked. The preparation is not easy and takes time and patience. The main ingredient – the walnut was the most affordable because it grows on a three that could be found in virtually every backyard in continental part of Croatia. Today the Walnut roll (orehnjača) is recognized as a Croatian national food.


3 dag fresh yeast

50 dag all-purpose flour

5 dag butter or margarine

2 tablespoons sugar

1 egg yolk

½ l milk


50 dag ground walnuts

10 dag cinnamon

3 tablespoons sugar

2 tablespoons honey

2 dcl milk

vanilla extract

Dough: Heat 1 dcl milk and add 1 teaspoon of sugar and the yeast in a small saucepan. Cover the saucepan and let it rise in a warm place. In a large mixing bowl mix an egg yolk and sugar, add flour, melted butter and salt. When the mixture of milk, sugar and yeast has risen stir it into the mixing bowl. Add warm milk and stir with the wooden spoon until the dough is stiff enough to leave the side of the mixing bowl. Cover with a towel and let rise in a warm place until double in bulk. When the dough has risen knead it with hands, divide into two equal parts and roll out the dough on a lightly floured surface. Spread with the filling then roll up tightly and put the rolled dough into a greased baking pan. Cover the dough with a towel let rise in a warm place. Preheat oven to 175° C to 200°C, bake 40 to 50 minutes. When baked cover the cake with sugar.

Filling: Put sugar, vanilla extract and honey into milk and let cook. After the milk boils add nuts, cinnamon and little rum. Stir to thoroughly mix. Set aside until it cools down.

Danijela Huljenić

Autumn 2005/06



Ovo jelo nije tradicionalno, ali mi je vrlo drago zato što unosom jednog sastojka, inače netipičnog za to jelo, u potpunosti mijenja cijeli doživljaj. Taj sastojak je špinat – povrće inače vrlo mrsko djeci, kojeg se moja mama sjetila zamaskirati u nama najdraže jelo – palačinke, i tako nas ''natjerati'' da ga počnemo jesti.

To joj je uspjelo i sa zelenim pireom, koji je osim krumpira sadržavao i izmiksanu brokulu. Sada nam je ta vrsta pirea draža čak i od običnog, a mama se vrlo ponosi svojom smicalicom. (I još uvijek smišlja kako da nam podvali poriluk.)



3 jaja

1l mlijeka

40dkg mekog brašna

300g mljevenog špinata



Pola crvenog luka

500g mljevenog mješanog mesa (junetina i svinjetina)

2 kisela vrhnja

15dkg tvrdog sira (gouda ili trapist)

Vegeta, sol, papar


1 jaje

Kiselo vrhnje


Napraviti tijesto za palačinke od jaja i naizmjence dodavanog brašna i mlijeka. Posoliti.

Špinat skuhati u slanoj vodi, ocijediti i izmiksati, ili kupiti gotovi (najbolje Ledov!) i dodati u palačinke. Peći palačinke, ali malo deblje.

Isjeckani crveni luk izdinstati na ulju (savjet: kad poprimi zlatnu boju, posuti ga s malo praška za pecivo i podliti mineralnom vodom da se bolje izdinsta!). Dodati mljeveno meso i uz miješanje dinstati 15ak min. Začiniti Vegetom, solju i paprom, po želji.

U vatrostalnu zdjelu slagati red palačinki i na njih posuti mljeveno meso, naribati sir i posuti vrhnjem. Tako slagati dok se ne dođe do zadnje palačinke. Nju posuti jajetom razmućkanim s par žlica vrhnja.

Zapeći u mikrovalnoj pećnici na 10min, ili u pećnici 20ak min na 200°.

Izvrsno ide uz jogurt!

Dobar tek!


This is not a traditional dish, but it is very dear to me because one of its ingredients, which is usually completely untypical for it, changes the whole experience of eating it. That ingredient is spinach – the kind of vegetable which children usually find to be very detestable. But my mum found a way to mask it by adding it into our favorite food – pancakes, and in that way 'forcing' us to start eating it – without our knowledge, obviously. She also managed to do that with green mashed potatoes, by adding broccoli chopped in a food processor. Now, we like this kind even more than the regular kind, and Mum is very proud of her little scheme. (And she is still plotting how to foist leek on us.)



3 eggs

1l of milk

40dkg of soft flour

300g of ground spinach



A smaller red onion

500g of ground meat (baby beef and pork)

2 sour creams

15dkg of hard cheese (Gouda or Trappist)

Vegeta, salt, pepper


An egg

Sour cream


Make the batter out of eggs, and flour and milk added by turns. Cook the spinach, drain it and grind it, or buy it already prepared (I recommend Ledo's) and add it to the batter. Bake the pancakes as usually, only make them a little thicker.

Sautée the chopped red onion on oil (a tip: when the onion turns gold, sprinkle some baking powder on it and add some mineral water to sautée it better). Put the meat on it and cook cca 15min. Add Vegeta, salt and pepper to taste.

In a Pyrex dish put a pancake and meat on it. Grate a quantity of cheese and scatter some sour cream. Repeat this until you get to the last pancake.

Put stirred egg with cream on top.

Bake it in a microwave for 10min or in an oven for 20 or so min. on 200°.

It tastes deliciously when combined with yoghurt.


Teuta Klarić

Autumn '05/06



Ovo je jedan jako jednostavan desert koji se često jede u mojoj obitelji. Baka je uvijek radila ovaj desert sestri i meni kad smo bile djeca i to je razlog zbog čega mi je posebno drag.


1/2 litre mlijeka

4 kašike brašna

4 žumanjca

4 kašike šećera

4 bjelanjka

5 kašika šećera

keksi Petit Beurre

mrvice kakaa ili naribana čokolada (za posut po vrhu)


Žuta krema:

Zakuhajte do vrenja mlijeko. Dok se mlijeko kuha zamiješajte 4 kašike brašna, 4 žumanjka i četiri kašike šećera sa malo hladnog mlijeka. To dodajte u zakuhano mlijeko. Kuhajte dok se ne zgusne (miješajte cijelo vrijeme da se ne stvore grudvice).

Bijela krema:

Istucite 3 bjelanjka u čvrst snijeg. Dodajte 5 kašika šećera. Dobro promješajte.


Zsagrijte malo mlijeka. Obložite dno zdjele keksima i prelite ih mlijekom taman toliko da ga oni upiju. Na kekse dodajte sloj žute kreme pa novi sloj keksa, pa opet novi sloj mlijeka, pa opet žutu kremu. Zatim opet kekse i mlijeko te naposlijetku izlijte bijelu kremu na vrh. Ukrasite mrvicama kakaa ili naribanom čokoladom. Stavite u hladionik i poslužite hladno.



This is a very simple dessert eaten in my family very often. My grandmother used to make it for me and my sister in our childhood. It brings back nice memories, that is why I like it so much.


1/2 litre of milk

4 tablespoons of flour

4 egg yolks

4 tablespoons of sugar

3 egg whites

5 tablespoons of sugar

Petit Buerre cookies

Cocoa beans or grated chocolate (to sprinkle it over)


Yellow cream:

Boil half a litre of milk. While the milk is cooking make a mixture of 4 tablespoons of flour, 4 egg yolks and 4 tablespoons of sugar and some cold milk. Put this mixture into the boiling milk. Cook it until it thickens (do not forget to stir it all the time to avoid creating lumps).

White cream:

Whisk 3 egg whites till stiff. Add 5 tablespoons of sugar. Mix it thoroughly.

Finishing phase:

Warm some milk. Place some cookies on the bottom of the bowl and pour just enough milk over them so that they absorb it. Then pour a layer of yellow cream over the cookies. Put a new layer of cookies over it. Add a new layer of milk. Add a new layer of yellow cream, a new layer of cookies and a new layer of milk. Pour the white cream over the cookies. Decorate it with cocoa beans or grated chocolate. Put it in the refrigerator and serve cold.


Zorana Lerotić

Spring 2006